Glossary Terms

Acidulated soapstockThe product that results from the complete acidulation and thorough settling of soapstock. Contract grade should contain not less than 85% total fatty acid.(unspecified)
Activated earthBleaching earth that has been treated with acid to increase its capacity for pigment adsorption from oil.(unspecified)
Amino acidsChief components and determinants of the characteristics of a protein; the building blocks of living tissues. Eighteen different amino acids commonly occur in our food supply and eight are considered essential because the body cannot produce them.(unspecified)
AntioxidantAny naturally occurring or manufactured material whose incorporation into a fat provides a greater stability than that shown by the fat alone. The antioxidant increases stability by preventing or retarding reaction of the fat with oxygen and thus retards rancidity development. Antioxidants for food fats must be nontoxic and edible.(unspecified)
BiodieselSee Methyl esters(unspecified)
BiotechnologyThe science of using living things, such as plants or animals to develop new products or make modifications to existing ones. Current methods include the transfer of a gene from one organism to another. Also see "Genetic engineering," and "Transgenic."(unspecified)
BleachingTreatment of a fat or oil with a material such as activated charcoal or diatomaceous (Fullers) earth which removes or reduces the amount of coloring materials normally present in a refined oil. The bleaching process may be carried to the degree desired depending upon the color required by the eventual usage of the processed oil.(unspecified)
Bleaching earthMined special earths or clays that when added to hot oil, at about 1%, have the ability to adsorb unwanted pigments.(unspecified)
BollsThe pods or capsules of certain plants, especially flax or cotton.AAFCO, 2000
Bowman-Birk trypsin inhibitorA class of soybean trypsin inhibitors that has low molecular weight, many disulfide links, and great stability to denaturation.(unspecified)
BranPericarp of grain.AAFCO, 2000
Break materialFlocculent material (precipitate) that appears in and can be separated from crude vegetable oil that has been rapidly heated to temperatures between 250°C and 300°C (482°F and 572°F). It is very high in ash content, rich in phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. It is presumed to be derived from phospholipids which are thermally decomposed at these high temperatures. Break material is sometimes referred to as "foots."(unspecified)
CakeThe mass resulting from the pressing of seeds, meat, or fish in order to remove oils, fats, or other liquids.AAFCO, 2000
CanolaThe seed of the species Brassica napus or Brassica campestris, the oil component of which seed contains less than two percent of erucic acid and the solid component of which seed contains less than 30 micromoles of any one or any mixture of 3-butenyl glucosinolate, 4-pentenyl glucosinolate, 2-hydroxy-3-butenyl glucosinolate, and 2-hydroxy-4-pentenyl glucosinolate per gram of air dry, oil free solid. The term is derived from combining the words "Canadian" and "oil" and is a registered trademark of the Canola Council of Canada.(unspecified)
Canola mealConsists of the meal obtained after the removal of most of the oil, by a direct solvent or prepress solvent extraction process, from the whole seeds of the species Brassica napus or Brassica campestris (see Canola, above).AAFCO, 2000
CatalystAny material which speeds up a chemical reaction without taking part directly in the chemical changes involved. The presence of a catalyst may be desirable as in the hardening and stabilizing of an oil by chemical addition of hydrogen in the presence of nickel catalyst.(unspecified)
CoconutFruit of the Cocos nucifera. Consists of mesocarp (fibrous covering), endocarp (shell), exocarp (the smooth outer skin) and copra meat or flesh. Husked coconut has outer layers removed. Immature nuts contain an edible milky juice. Mature nuts are consumed as such, or processed for copra or desiccated coconut. The flesh, from which coconut oil is extracted, constitutes 40-70% of the weight of the husked coconut. The oil content is about 36% of the flesh.(unspecified)
Coconut mealSee Copra meal(unspecified)
Coconut milk(Indonesian: santen; Thai: ga-ti; Vietnamese: nuoc dua) The liquid found inside a coconut is coconut water. Coconut milk is a liquid extracted from the grated white flesh of the coconut. The grated coconut is soaked and kneaded in hot water and the liquid drained off and squeezed out. The process is done twice; the first batch of liquid extracted is thick coconut milk (Thai: hua ga-ti), the second batch is thin coconut milk (Thai: hahng ga-ti). The fat rich layer that forms on the top of thick coconut milk after a couple of hours in the refrigerator is coconut cream. Coconut milk is perishable and will stay fresh in the refrigerator for only a couple of days after it is made, or the can is opened.(unspecified)
Coconut, desiccatedDried, shredded flesh of coconut processed for human consumption. It retains most of the oil and proteins of the fresh nut and is mainly used in confectionery and baking.(unspecified)
Cold pressed soy oilSoy oil produced from undamaged, mature, cleaned yellow soybeans by mechanical processing and filtering, without the application of heat.(unspecified)
Cold testA test which determines how well the high melting point portions of an oil have been removed during processing to produce a "salad" or "winterized" oil. In the test the oil sample is held in an ice water bath (32?F) and the time required for the first appearance of cloudiness is noted as "Cold Test Hours". A cold test of only a few hours means that oil will separate readily into liquid and solid portions at low storage temperatures.(unspecified)
Confection sunflowerAlso known as non-oil or edible sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Includes seed for human consumption and bird food.(unspecified)
Cooking oilA refined, bleached, and deodorized oil which has not been further processed to remove the higher melting point portions of the oil. Cooking oils tend to crystallize or set up semisolid at temperatures much below about 70?F. For this reason, heating coils should be installed in storage tanks for cooking oils in contrast to salad oils where no heating coils are usually necessary.(unspecified)
CopraThe dried flesh of coconut from which the oil is extracted.(unspecified)
Copra mealThe ground residue which remains after removal of most of the oil from dried meat of coconuts by either mechanical or solvent extraction process.(unspecified)
Corn branThe outer coating of the corn kernel, with little or none of the starchy part of germ.AAFCO, 2000
Corn feed mealThe fine siftings obtained from screened cracked corn, with or without its aspiration products added.AAFCO, 2000
Corn flourThe fine sized hard flinty portions of ground corn containing little or none of the bran or germ.AAFCO, 2000
Corn germ meal (wet milled)Ground corn germ from which most of the solubles have been removed by steeping and most of the oil removed by hydraulic, expeller, or solvent extraction processes, and is obtained in the wet milling process of manufacture of corn starch, corn syrup, or other corn products.AAFCO, 2000
Corn gluten feedThe part of the commercial shelled corn that remains after the extraction of the larger portion of the starch, gluten, and by the processes employed in the wet milling manufacture of corn starch or syrup. It may or may not contain one or more of the following: fermented corn extractives, corn germ meal.AAFCO, 2000
Corn gluten mealThe dried residue from corn after removal of the larger part of the starch and germ, and the separation of the bran by the process employed in the wet milling manufacture of corn starch or syrup, or by enzymatic treatment of the endosperm. It may contain fermented corn extractives and/or corn germ meal.AAFCO, 2000
Corn gritsThe medium sized hard flinty portions of ground corn containing little or none of the bran or germ. May also appear in the ingredient list of a mixed feed as hominy grits.AAFCO, 2000
Cotton lintersSee Linters(unspecified)
Cotton plant by-productThe residue from the ginning of cotton. It consists of cotton burrs, leaves, stems, lint, immature seeds, and sand and/or dirt. It shall not contain more than 38% crude fiber, nor more than 15% ash. It must be labeled with minimum guarantees for crude protein and crude fat and maximum guarantees for crude fiber and ash. If it contains more than 6.5% ash, the words "sand" and/or "dirt" must appear in the product name.AAFCO, 2000
Cottonseed cake (or cottonseed flakes), mechanical extractedThe unground product composed of the kernel and such portions of the lint, hull, and oil as remain after removal of most of the oil from cottonseed by a mechanical process. It must contain not less than 36% crude protein.AAFCO, 2000
Cottonseed flakes, solvent extractedProduct obtained by finely grinding the cake which remains after removal of most of the oil from the cottonseed by a solvent extraction process. It must contain not less than 36% protein.AAFCO, 2000
Cottonseed hullsThe outer covering of the cottonseed.AAFCO, 2000
Cottonseed meal, mechanical extractedProduct obtained by finely grinding the cake which remains after removal of most of the oil from the cottonseed by a mechanical extraction process. It must contain not less than 36% protein.AAFCO, 2000
Cottonseed meal, solvent extractedObtained by finely grinding the cake which remains after removal of most of the oil from the cottonseed by a solvent extraction process. It must contain not less than 36% protein.AAFCO, 2000
Cottonseed screeningsObtained in the commercial delinting and processing of cottonseeds for planting purposes. It consists of lint, stems, leaves, small and immature seeds, sand and/or dirt. It must be labeled with minimum guarantees for crude protein and crude fat and maximum guarantees for crude fiber and ash. If it contains more than 6.5% ash, the words "sand" and/or "dirt" must appear in the product name.AAFCO, 2000
Cottonseed, glandlessGlandless cottonseed is the seed of cotton which has been selected through plant breeding to eliminate, or reduce to the extent practicable, seed pigment glands.NCPA, 1999-2000
CotyledonOne of the two halves of a seed; the cotyledons develop into the first two leaves of the young plant.(unspecified)
Cracked cornThe entire corn kernel ground or chopped. It must contain not more than 4% foreign material.AAFCO, 2000
CrackingThe breaking of the whole seed into several pieces to facilitate dehulling and flaking.(unspecified)
Crude cottonseed oilCrude cottonseed oil is the oil produced from cottonseed only, by either the hydraulic, expeller or screw press, prepress solvent, or solvent extraction process.(unspecified)
Crude soy oilSometimes referred to as crude raw soybean oil; the unrefined oil produced by any one of the procedures described for the extraction of oil from soybeans. It is customary to filter the oil and/or allow it to settle after being processed from the soybeans as required by the standard trade specifications. Crude soy oil is a mixture of triglycerides composed of unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, linolenic) and saturated fatty acids, together with usually not more than 1.5% of free fatty acids and from 1.8% to 3.2% of phospholipids, depending on the quality and kind of soybeans and the procedure used in processing.(unspecified)
Defatted soy flourFlour produced by the nearly complete removal of the oil from soybeans by the use of hexane or other homologous hydrocarbon solvents; usually contains about 1% fat.(unspecified)
DegermedHaving had the embryo of seeds wholly or partially separated from the starch endosperm.AAFCO, 2000
Degummed soy oilSometimes referred to as crude degummed soy oil; The product resulting from washing crude soy oil with water and/or steam or another degumming agent for a specified period of time and then separating the oil-and-water mixture, usually by centrifugation, to remove the phosphatides.(unspecified)
DegummingThe removal of phospholipids from vegetable oil by a water washing step.(unspecified)
Dehulled, dehullingHaving removed the outer covering from grains or other seeds.AAFCO, 2000
DeodorizingA process involving use of high vacuum and superheated steam in washing of fats and oils. Deodorization removes from fats and oils materials originally present or introduced during previous processing which would contribute objectionable flavors and odors to the finished product.(unspecified)
Desolventizer-toasterEquipment for removing solvent from defatted flakes and for heating flakes sufficiently to overcome growth inhibition properties; the heating medium is steam.(unspecified)
DiglycerideA chemical combination of fatty acids and glycerine in the proportion of two fatty acid units to one glycerine unit. A diglyceride may result from the combination of the units or by splitting off one fatty acid unit from a triglyceride during fat breakdown or hydrolysis.(unspecified)
Drying oilAn oil which is very easily oxidized and polymerized on exposure to air or oxygen. It is characterized by a shortage of hydrogen atoms in its fatty acid makeup and readily unites with oxygen to remedy this "unsaturation". The oxidation process results in formation of tough films or coatings of polymerized oil which may be used to fix or set pigments, as in paints.(unspecified)
Edamame (Japanese)See Green vegetable soybeans(unspecified)
Edible crude soy oilSoy oil which shall be of any of the following designated types produced from mature yellow soybeans: (1) expeller pressed, (2) expeller pressed degummed, (3) hydraulic pressed, (4) hydraulic pressed degummed, (5) solvent extracted, (6) solvent extracted degummed and (7) mixtures of any of the above-described types. When the oil is produced by solvent extraction, the name of the solvent used in the process must be given.(unspecified)
EmulsifierA material capable of causing fat or oils to remain in liquid suspension.AAFCO, 2000
EndospermStarchy portion of seed.AAFCO, 2000
EsterificationThe process of combining by chemical reaction an alcohol and an acid. The new product is an ester. A natural fat is a special type of ester made from glycerine (an alcohol) and fatty acids.(unspecified)
Expanded, expandingSubjected to moisture, pressure, and temperature to gelatinize the starch portion. When extruded, its volume is increased, due to abrupt reduction in pressure.AAFCO, 2000
ExpellerEquipment for expressing oil from oilseeds, consisting of an augur moving through a slotted barrel through which oil can drain. Please note that the term "expeller" is a registered trademark of Anderson International of Cleveland, Ohio. It is also called a continuous screw press or a mechanical screw press.(unspecified)
Extracted, mechanicalHaving removed fat or oil from materials by heat and mechanical pressure. Similar terms: expeller extracted, hydraulic extracted, "old process."AAFCO, 2000
Extracted, solventHaving removed fat or oil from materials by organic solvents. Similar to term, "new process."AAFCO, 2000
ExtrudedA process by which feed [or other material] has been pressed, pushed, or protruded through orifices under pressure.AAFCO, 2000
ExtruderA jacketed augur used as an economical cooker and as a means of texturizing soy flours, soy concentrates, other foodstuffs or animal feeds. Can also be used to treat oilseed flakes before solvent extraction.(unspecified)
ExtrusionA process for texturizing soy flours or other proteins using high pressures and temperatures in an extruder.(unspecified)
FatA substance composed chiefly of triglycerides of fatty acids, and solid or plastic at room temperature.AAFCO, 2000
Fatty acidA chemical unit occurring naturally, either singly or combined, and consisting of strongly linked carbon and hydrogen atoms in a chain-like structure. At the end of the chain is a reactive acid group composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. This acid group permits reaction with glycerol to make the fatty acid a fundamental unit of the triglyceride fat molecule. A natural fat is a mixture of triglyceride fat molecules.(unspecified)
Feed gradeSuitable for animal consumption.AAFCO, 2000
Fermented, fermentingActed upon by yeasts, molds, or bacteria in a controlled aerobic or anaerobic process in the manufacture of such products as alcohol, acids, vitamins of the B-complex group, or antibiotics.AAFCO, 2000
FlakingA process for converting typically dehulled oilseeds into thin flakes for solvent extraction or other processing.(unspecified)
FlourSoft, finely ground and bolted meal obtained from the milling of cereal grains, other seeds, or products. It consists essentially of the starch and gluten of the endosperm.AAFCO, 2000
Free fatty acid (F.F.A.)The amount of fatty acid, occurring naturally or produced in fat processing or usage operation, which exists in the fat or oil in the uncombined state as a chemical unit. The uncombined fatty acid may come from the breakdown of a fat (triglyceride) into its component fatty acid and glycerine units. A high free fatty acid level means a poorly refined fat or some fat breakdown after manufacture or use.(unspecified)
Full-fat soy flourGround whole soybeans containing all of the original oil usually 18 to 20%. May be enzyme active, or heat-processed or toasted, to minimize enzyme action. Also see "Soy flour."(unspecified)
Fully refined soy oilThe edible oil produced from crude or degummed soy oil which has been treated with dilute alkali solution (caustic refining) or neutralization, treated with absorbent clay materials (bleaching) and subjected to steam distillation at high temperatures under vacuum (deodorizing). Such oil may also be produced by a process called physical (steam) refining which consists of degumming, bleaching and neutralization by the final step of deodorizing.(unspecified)
Genetic engineeringAll living organisms are made up of cells that contain a substance called DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). The structure of DNA molecules, whose units are called genes, contain information that is used by cells as a "recipe" for the organism. In the last twenty years, scientists discovered that DNA is interchangeable among animals, plants, bacteria, and other organisms. In addition to using traditional breeding methods of improving plants and animals through crossbreeding and selection, scientists in some cases can now transfer the genes that determine many desirable traits from one plant or animal to another. The transfer of DNA is done by various methods, such as direct injection of cells with DNA or literally shooting cells with DNA-covered particles from a special gun. Another widely-used method is to insert the DNA into specially modified bacteria or viruses that carry it into cells they infect. Regardless of which method is used, the general process of transferring DNA from one organism to another is called genetic engineering. Almost any desirable trait found in nature can, in principle, be transferred into any chosen organism. A plant or animal modified by genetic engineering to contain DNA from an external source is called transgenic.(unspecified)
GermThe embryo found in seeds and frequently separated from the bran and starch endosperm during the milling.AAFCO, 2000
GheeSee Vanaspati(unspecified)
GossypolA phenolic pigment in cottonseed that is toxic to some animals.(unspecified)
GrainSeed from cereal plants.AAFCO, 2000
Green vegetable soybeansEdamame (Japanese) Vegetable-type soybeans picked green and cooked until tender. Used as a confection or snack. Sold in the pods, shelled, canned or frozen.(unspecified)
GritsCoarsely ground grain from which the bran and germ have been removed, usually screened to uniform particle size.AAFCO, 2000
GummingFormation and accumulation of a fat-insoluble sticky material resulting from continued heating of fats and oils. The gummy material is produced by oxidation and polymerization of the fat and represents fat breakdown products which collect on heating surfaces.(unspecified)
High-fat soy flourSoy flour produced by adding soy oil, with or without the addition of lecithin, to defatted soy flour to a desired level, usually in the range of 10 to 20%. Also see "Soy flour."(unspecified)
HilumA morphological feature of a seed coat; the point of attachment of the seed to the pod.(unspecified)
HullsOuter covering of grain or other seed.AAFCO, 2000
Hydrogenated vegetable oilDuring the process of hydrogenation, vegetable oil is exposed to hydrogen gas in the presence of heat and a catalyst (nickel or copper chromite) and the hydrogen combines with certain of the chemical components (unsaturated fatty acids) of the triglycerides with a resultant increase in the melting point of the oil; sometimes referred to as "hardening."(unspecified)
HydrogenizationThe process of chemically adding hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst to the unsaturated, "hydrogen short" portions of a natural fat. The addition of hydrogen reduces the reactivity of the fat toward oxygen and thus stabilizes and retards rancidity development in the fat. Hydrogenation usually raises the melting point of a fat or changes it from a liquid oil to a solid fat.(unspecified)
Hydrolyzed corn proteinThe product resulting from complete hydrolysis of isolated corn gluten, and after partial removal of the glutamic acid.AAFCO, 2000
Hydrolyzed soy proteinMade from soybean flours, concentrates or isolates, treated with an acid or a base or an enzyme and then dried.AAFCO, 2000
Hydrolyzed, hydrolizingComplex molecules having been split to simpler units by chemical reaction with water, usually by catalysis.AAFCO, 2000
IsoflavonesA subclass of the more ubiquitous flavonoids. The basic structural feature of flavonoid compounds is the flavone nucleus which is comprised of two benzene rings (A and B) linked through a heterocyclic pyrane C ring. The position of the benzenoid B ring divides the flavonoid class into flavonoids (2-position) and isoflavonoids (3-position). In contrast to the flavonoids, isoflavones have a very limited distribution in nature. The primary isoflavones in soybeans are genistein (4' 5, 7-trihydroxyisoflavone) and daidzein (4', 7-dihydroxyisoflavone) and their respective ß-glycosides, genistin and daidzin (sugars are attached at the 7 position of the A ring). Isoflavones are considered to be phytoallexins, a biologically-defined term encompassing toxic compounds which can accumulate in plants after infection and which represent a natural mechanism to resist microbial attack. Isoflavones also function as key regulators of soil bacteria that enable soybeans to utilize (fix) atmospheric nitrogen gas. Isoflavones are often classified as phytoestrogens because of their ability to bind to estrogen receptors and in some cases, to affect estrogen-responsive genes. However, such a simplistic classification may be inappropriate in light of newer understanding of the physiology of ligand-estrogen receptor complexes. Furthermore, isoflavones almost certainly exert effects independent of estrogen receptor binding. For example, isoflavones are antioxidants and genistein influences signal transduction through its effect on several different enzymes. Thus, isoflavones may exert myriad biological effects including cancer inhibition, increasing bone strength and decreasing heart disease risk.(unspecified)
Isolated soy proteinSoy protein which has been removed and greatly concentrated from the soybean by chemical or mechanical means. It is generally produced by extracting protein from white flakes or flour with water or a mild alkali. Isolates usually have a protein content of at least 90%.(unspecified)
Kibbled soybean mealThe product obtained by cooking ground solvent extracted soybean meal, under pressure and extruding from an expeller or other mechanical pressure device. It must be designated and sold according to its protein content and shall contain not more than 7% crude fiber.AAFCO, 2000
Kunitz trypsin inhibitorA class of soybean trypsin inhibitors believed to be primarily responsible for growth inhibition from raw soybeans.(unspecified)
LecithinThe mixed phospholipids obtained from a variety of vegetable oils by the degumming process. Contains lecithin, cephalin and inositol phosphatides, together with glycerides and traces of tocopherols, glucosides and pigments. It is designated and sold according to conventional descriptive grades with respect to consistency and bleaching. The dehydrated emulsion of mixed phosphatides and vegetable oil is further processed to produce the commercial grades which may be described as follows: plastic or firm consistency, soft consistency, fluid, unbleached, bleached, and double bleached. High quality commercial lecithin contains 60% to 65% phosphatides.(unspecified)
Lecithinated soy flourA type of low-fat or high-fat soy flour in which lecithin is added to defatted soy flour to a specified level, usually in a range up to 15%.(unspecified)
Linseed mealLinseed meal is obtained by grinding the cake or chips which remain after removing the oil from flaxseed and must not contain more than 10% crude fiber.AAFCO, 2000
LintersThe residual fibers removed from cottonseed by mechanical processes. Also know as cotton linters.(unspecified)
LipoxygenaseAn iron-containing enzyme in soybeans that catalyzes hydroperoxide formation in unsaturated fatty acids. Enzyme primarily responsible for creating the "beany" flavor in soymilk.(unspecified)
Low gossypol cottonseed mealCottonseed meal in which the gossypol is not more than 0.04% free gossypol.AAFCO, 2000
Low-fat soy flourFlour produced either by partial removal of the oil from soybeans or by adding back soy oil and/or lecithin to defatted soy oil to a specified level, usually in the range of 5% to 6%. Also see "Soy flour."(unspecified)
Malto dextrinsThe purified concentrated aqueous solution of nutritive saccharides, or a dried product derived from said solution, derived from starch, having a dextrose equivalent of less than 20.AAFCO, 2000
MargarineA water-in-oil emulsion similar to butter in appearance and composition. Widely used as a butter alternative. Invented by Mege Mourie in France in 1869, originally made from oleo oil (beef fat).(unspecified)
Maturity groupsDivision of seed cultivars into 12 groups based on how flowering responds to dark periods; maturity groups are selected for the proper latitude so that flowering is timed for maximum yield.(unspecified)
Meat analogsMaterial usually prepared from vegetable protein to resemble specific meats in texture, color and flavor.(unspecified)
Meat extendersUse of soy or other vegetable proteins as partial substitutes for meat in processed items such as patties, chili, casseroles, etc.(unspecified)
Melting pointUsually the temperature at which a natural or processed fat becomes perfectly clear and liquid or at which a disc of the fat assumes a spherical shape under prescribed conditions of raising the temperature of the fat sample. The greater the degree of unsaturation the lower the melting point. Hydrogenation raises the melting point.(unspecified)
Methyl estersThe manufacture of fatty methyl esters involves reaction of fats with methyl alcohol in the presence of an alkaline catalyst. Glycerine is released as a valuable by-product. The reaction is called trans-esterification or alcoholysis. Methyl esters can also be produced by reacting fatty acids with alcohol in which case no glycerine is produced. In either case, the product can be simply distilled or fractionally distilled to give higher purity. Used as biodiesel fuel and in the manufacture of fatty alcohols, alkanolamides, antibiotics and defoamers.(unspecified)
Miso(Japanese) A fermented, whitish-brown, brown, or red-brown seasoning paste made from soaked, steam-heated soybeans which are inoculated with cultures of microorganisms grown on rice or barley and then allowed to ferment. Typical microorganisms are Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus sojae and Rhizopus oligosporus. One method of fermentation is called the "natural brewing process" in which the soybeans are allowed to ferment for approximately 9 months; the other method is known as "the quick brewing process" in which the miso is produced in a short time by reducing the length of time for processing (heating) the soybeans and the fermentation. Both sweet and salty varieties are produced.(unspecified)
MonoglycerideA chemical compound of one fatty acid unit with one glycerine unit. May result from the combination of fatty acids and glycerine or from breakdown of di- and triglycerides. Monoglycerides contain two types of chemical groups, one tending toward fat solubility and the other toward water solubility. Presence of these two groups lends to the monoglyceride emulsifying properties assisting the mixture of oil and water. Used as an anti-foaming agent in food processing.(unspecified)
Natto (Japanese)A whole soybean product produced in Japan by fermenting cooked soybeans with Bacillus natto until they develop a sticky, viscous coating.(unspecified)
NutraceuticalsFoods which contain naturally occurring compounds which may be beneficial for disease treatment or prevention. Examples are the isoflavone compounds found in soybeans. Synonyms for nutraceuticals are functional foods and designer foods.(unspecified)
OilA substance composed chiefly of triglycerides of fatty acids and liquid at room temperature.AAFCO, 2000
Okara(Japanese) Soybean pulp which remains after the production of soymilk (aqueous extraction of the soybean). Consists primarily of the insoluble fiber of the soybean, along with some residual fat and protein.(unspecified)
Once refined soy oilOil produced from crude soy oil which has been subjected only to the dilute alkali solution (refining) treatment or a comparable chemical treatment.(unspecified)
OxidationA chemical reaction involving the addition or combination of oxygen with the other reacting material. Oxidation in fats or food products containing fat eventually results in development of rancidity and its accompanying objectionable flavors and odors. Hence, oxidation of food fats is to be avoided.(unspecified)
Palm kernel oilThe oil obtained from the kernel of the oil palm fruit. Its chemical composition is quite different from that of palm oil, which is obtained from the flesh of the fruit. Palm kernel oil is a lauric type, similar to coconut oil.(unspecified)
Palm oilOil derived from the mesocarp of the fruit of the oil palm species Elaeis guineensis. In Malaysia, the most common cultivated fruit form is the high yielding hybrid of Dura X Pisifera known as Tenera.(unspecified)
Palm oleinThe liquid, more unsaturated fraction separated from palm oil after crystallization at a controlled temperature. The olein consists of a more homogeneous mixture of triglycerides and has properties and uses which are different from those of the original oil.(unspecified)
Palm stearinThe more saturated and solid fraction obtained by fractionation of palm oil after crystallization at a controlled temperature. It is a coproduct of the production of palm olein.(unspecified)
Peanut hullsThe outer hull of the peanut shell.(unspecified)
Peanut mealThe ground product of shelled peanuts, composed principally of the kernels, with such portion of the hull, or fiber, and oil, as may be left in the ordinary course of manufacture by a mechanical or solvent extraction process. If solvent-extracted, it must be so designated.NCPA, 1999-2000
Peanut skinsThe outer covering of the peanut kernel, exclusive of the hull.(unspecified)
PelletsAgglomerated feed formed by compacting and forcing through die openings by a mechanical process. Similar terms: pelleted feed, hard pellet.AAFCO, 2000
PolymerizationAn undesirable change in the composition of a food fat involving agglomeration or clumping of the normal chemical units of fat and its decomposition products into larger and insoluble chemical units which are characteristic of the gummy residue of frying fats. Rapid polymerization is desirable in drying oils used as vehicles for pigments in paints. In frying fats such reaction is coincident with undesirable foam development.(unspecified)
Processing or extraction of oilseedsThe procedures involved in the separation of the oil and the protein meal; also called "crushers" or oil mill operations. There are three types of processes presently used in the world today for this purpose: (1) Solvent extraction - The process whereby the oil is leached or washed (extracted) from flaked oilseeds by the use of commercial hexane as the solvent. The level of oil in the extracted flakes can be reduced to 1% or less by this processing method. The products resulting from the use of this process are designated in the trade as "solvent extracted." The vast majority of all oilseed processing done in the world today is processed by the solvent extraction system. (2) Continuous pressing - A continuous pressing process, at elevated temperatures, using expellers or screw presses which utilize a worm shaft continuously rotating within a pressing cylinder or cage to express the oil from ground and properly conditioned oilseeds. The oil content of the resulting press cake is reduced from 4% to 6% by this processing method. Although technically incorrect, the products resulting from this type of processing are often referred to as "expeller," e.g. "expeller 'oilseed' meal." (The term "expeller" applies specifically to the screw press manufactured by Anderson International of Cleveland, Ohio, whereas the screw press manufactured by the French Oil Mill Machinery Co. of Piqua, Ohio, is designated as a "mechanical screw press.") (3) Batch pressing - The oldest process known to the vegetable oil processing industry. It consists of an intermittent pressing operation carried out at elevated temperatures in a mechanical or hydraulic press after the oilseeds have been rolled into flakes and properly conditioned by heat treatment.(unspecified)
ProteinA naturally occurring combination of amino acids containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and usually sulphur. Protein is one of the essential constituents of all living things and of the diet of animal organisms.(unspecified)
PulsesAnnual leguminous crops yielding from one to 12 grains or seeds of variable size, shape and color within a pod. They are used for both food and feed. The term "pulses" is limited to crops harvested solely for dry grain, thereby excluding crops harvested green for food (green peas, green beans, etc.) which are classified as vegetable crops. Also excluded are those crops used mainly for oil extraction (e.g. soybean and peanuts) and leguminous crops (e.g. seeds of clover and alfalfa) that are used exclusively for sowing purposes. In addition to their food value, pulses play an important role in cropping systems because of their ability to produce nitrogen and thereby enrich the soil. Pulses contain carbohydrates, mainly starches (55-65% of the total weight); proteins, including essential amino acids (18-25%, [much higher than cereals]); and fat (1-4%). The remainder consists of water and inedible substances. Production data should be reported in terms of dry clean weight, excluding the weight of the pods. Certain kinds of pulses can be skinned and partially crushed or split to remove the seed-coat, but the resulting products are still considered raw for classification purposes.FAO
RaffinoseA soluble trisaccharide found in soybeans that is responsible for flatulence.(unspecified)
RancidityThat stage in fat oxidation which is characterized by development of easily recognized sharp, acrid and pungent off-flavors and odors. True rancidity is a description of sensory reactions and may be determined only by flavor and odor. Chemical tests may roughly denote the progress of oxidation but usually cannot accurately predict the onset of undesirable flavor and odor.(unspecified)
Rapeseed meal, mechanical extractedObtained by grinding the cake which remains after removal of most of the oil by mechanical extraction of the seed from the rapeseed plant (Brassica). It must contain a minimum of 32% protein and a maximum of 12% crude fiber.AAFCO, 2000
RefiningTreatment of a natural or processed fat to remove impurities. Refining is accomplished by treatment of the fat with caustic soda, centrifuging, washing with water and centrifuging again. The separated refined fat or oil is dried by heating under vacuum.(unspecified)
Refractive index (R.I.)The refractive index of a substance is a numerical expression of the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in the substance. For practical measurements the scales of instruments indicate refractive indices respective to air rather than vacuum. The R.I. is characteristic within limits for each kind of oil, but it is related to the degree of saturation and is affected by other factors such as free fatty acid, oxidation and heat treatment. The R.I. increases during frying and oxidation.(unspecified)
Rolled, rollingHaving changed the shape and/or size of particles by compressing between rollers. It may entail tempering or conditioning.AAFCO, 2000
Salad oilA refined, bleached and deodorized edible oil which has been submitted to a chilling process before packaging. The chilling causes solidification of the higher melting point portions of the fat and permits removal of this material which would otherwise solidify and cloud in packaged oil stored at lower climatic temperatures. A good salad oil will have a high Cold Test - i.e. will withstand holding for many hours at 32?F before showing any signs of clouding. Some oils are natural salad oils and do not require winterization.(unspecified)
ShorteningA plastic or semisolid fat used in the production of bread, cakes and other bakery products. It is also used for frying as it becomes liquid when heated much above 100?F. It derived its name from its effect in making the baked product short and tender.(unspecified)
SoapstockThe by-product that results from the alkali refining of any vegetable oil; averages about 6% of the volume of crude oil refined. It is sometimes referred to as "foots" since it accumulates at the bottom (foot) of the refining tank. Contract grade should contain not less than 50% total fatty acid.(unspecified)
Solvent extractedA product from which oil has been removed by solvents.AAFCO, 2000
Solvent extracted soybean flakesThe product obtained after extracting part of the oil from soybeans by the use of hexane or homologous hydrocarbon solvents. It shall be designated and sold according to its protein content.NOPA, 1999-2000
Soy flourThe finely powdered material resulting from the screened and graded product after removal of most of the oil from selected, sound, cleaned and dehulled soybeans by a mechanical or solvent extraction process. It must contain not more than 4.0% crude fiber.AAFCO, 2000
Soy gritsThe granular material resulting from the screened and graded product after removal of most of the oil from selected, sound, clean and dehulled soybeans by a mechanical or solvent extraction process. It must contain not more than 4.0% crude fiber.AAFCO, 2000
Soy protein concentratePrepared from high quality sound, clean, dehulled soybean seeds by removing most of the oil- and water- soluble nonprotein constituents and must contain not less than 65% protein on a moisture-free basis.AAFCO, 2000
Soy protein isolateThe major proteinaceous fraction of soybeans prepared from dehulled soybeans by removing the majority of nonprotein components and must contain not less than 90% protein on a moisture-free basis.AAFCO, 2000
Soy sauceShoyu, Tamari Shoyu (Japanese) A seasoning sauce of soybeans (whole soybeans, soybean meal or soy protein), sometimes mixed with wheat flour, resulting from the action of molds, yeasts and bacteria as prepared by the Oriental method (with Aspergillus oryzae); or by being hydrolyzed with hydrochloric acid. The fermentation or enzymatic action is permitted to progress for up to one and a half years, at which time the extract is heated and processed to produce the liquid for edible purposes. It is used as a seasoning in the preparation of foods and as a table condiment.(unspecified)
Soy sproutsWhole soybeans that have been sprouted (germinated) for up to six days.(unspecified)
SoyaAs with the term soybeans, soya describes a legume, the botanical name of which is Glycine max (L.) Merrill. Soya can be used when describing the entire plant, crop or category of products derived from soybeans. Differentiated from the term soybean which is used to describe the actual seed of soy. Internationally acceptable.(unspecified)
Soya lecithinLecithin obtained from the degumming of soybean oil. Also see "Lecithin."(unspecified)
Soybean cakeProduct resulting from the extraction of part or all of the oil by pressure or solvents from soybeans, sold according to its protein content and further described by its process of manufacture.(unspecified)
Soybean curdSee Tofu(unspecified)
Soybean fatty acidsThe product obtained when glycerine is split off from the triglycerides in soy oil by any method of hydrolysis. In the field of industrial usage, soybean fatty acids are usually further classified according to the treatment to which they are subjected subsequent to hydrolysis.(unspecified)
Soybean feed, solvent extractedThe product remaining after the partial removal of protein and nitrogen-free extract from dehulled solvent extracted soybean flakes.AAFCO, 2000
Soybean flakes and 44% protein soybean mealProduced by cracking, heating, and flaking soybeans and reducing the oil content of the conditioned product by the use of hexane or homologous hydrocarbon solvents. The extracted flakes are cooked and marketed as such or ground into meal. Standard specifications are: Protein, minimum 44%; Fat, minimum 0.5%; Fiber, maximum 7.0%; Moisture, maximum 12.0%.NOPA, 1999-2000
Soybean flakes and high protein or solvent extracted soybean mealProduced by cracking, heating, and flaking soybeans and reducing the oil content of the conditioned product by the use of hexane or homologous hydrocarbon solvents. The extracted flakes are cooked and marketed as such or ground into meal. Standard specifications are: Protein, minimum 47.5%-49.0%*; Fat, minimum 0.5%; Fiber, maximum, 3.3%-3.5%*; Moisture, maximum 12.0% (*as determined by Buyer and Seller at time of sale).NOPA, 1999-2000
Soybean hay sun-cured groundGround soybean hay is the ground soybean plant including the leaves and beans. It must be reasonably free of other crop plants and weeds and must contain not more than 33% crude fiber.AAFCO, 2000
Soybean hulls (or seed coats)Soybean hulls consist primarily of the outer covering of the soybean. A typical analysis is 13% moisture.AAFCO, 2000
Soybean mealGround soybean cake, ground soybean chips or ground soybean flakes, sold according to its protein content and further described by its process of manufacture. Typical composition: protein 44.0% minimum, fat 0.5% minimum, fiber 7% maximum, and moisture 12.0% maximum. High protein soybean meal contains: protein 47.5-49.0% protein, fat 0.5% minimum, fiber 3.3-3.5% maximum, and moisture 12.0% maximum.NOPA, 1999-2000
Soybean meal, dehulled, solvent extractedObtained by grinding the flakes remaining after removal of most of the oil from dehulled soybeans by a solvent extraction process. It must contain not more than 3.5% crude fiber.AAFCO, 2000
Soybean meal, mechanical extractedThe product obtained by grinding the cake or chips which remain after removal of most of the oil from soybeans by a mechanical extraction process. It must contain not more than 7% crude fiber.AAFCO, 2000
Soybean meal, solvent extractedThe product obtained by grinding the flakes which remain after removal of most of the oil from soybeans by a solvent extraction process. It must contain not more than 7.0% crude fiber.AAFCO, 2000
Soybean mill feedComposed of soybean hulls and the offal from the tail of the mill which results from the manufacture of soy grits or flour. It must contain not less than 13% crude protein and not more than 32% crude fiber.AAFCO, 2000
Soybean mill runComposed of soybean hulls and such bean meats that adhere to the hulls which result from normal milling operations in the production of dehulled soybean meal. It must contain not less than 11% crude protein and not more than 35% crude fiber.AAFCO, 2000
Soybean processorAn individual, or a group of two or more individuals working together as a company or firm whose primary business is the separation of the oil and meal in soybeans. The activities of a processor may also include refining and/or distribution of the oil as well as distribution or further production with soybean meal or soy protein.(unspecified)
Soybean protein product, chemically modifiedA soybean product that has been processed to primarily modify the natural protein structure by utilizing acids, alkalies or other chemicals and without removing significant amounts of any nutrient constituent.AAFCO, 2000
Soybean seeds, extruded groundGround extruded whole soybeans are the meal product resulting from extrusion by friction heat and/or steam, of whole soybeans without removing any of the component parts. It must be sold according to its crude protein, fat and fiber content.AAFCO, 2000
Soybean seeds, heat processedThe product resulting from heating whole soybeans without removing any of the component parts. It may be ground, pelleted, flaked or powdered. The maximum pH rise using standard urease testing procedure should not exceed 0.10 pH units. It must be sold according to its crude protein, crude fat and crude fiber content.AAFCO, 2000
Soybean solubles, condensedThe product resulting from the washing of soy flour or soybean flakes with water and acid; water, alkali and acid; or water and alcohol. The wash water is then concentrated to a solids content of not less than 50%.AAFCO, 2000
Soybean solubles, driedThe product resulting from the washing of soy flour or soybean flakes with water and acid; water, alkali and acid; or water and alcohol. The wash is then dried.AAFCO, 2000
Soybean(s)A legume, the botanical name of which is Glycine max (L.) Merrill; a summer annual varying in height from less than a foot to more than 6 feet and in habit of growth from stiffly erect to prostrate; the cultivated plant may reach a height of 3 feet or more. The seeds (soybeans) are borne in pods that grow in cluster of three to five with each pod usually containing two or three or more seeds. The oil content of the soybean varies from 13% to 26% (average 18% to 22%) and from 38% to 45% protein (on a moisture-free basis). Soybeans were grown for centuries in the Orient and first introduced to the United States early in the 19th century. Soybeans grow best in areas having hot, damp summer weather but they can be grown under a great variety of climatic conditions.?(unspecified)
Soybean, groundGround soybeans are obtained by grinding whole soybeans without cooking or removing any of the oil.AAFCO, 2000
SoyfoodsTerm for edible soy-based products. These include traditional soyfoods such as tofu, soymilk, tempeh, soy sauce etc.; soy protein products produced after processing (as described previously) such as soy flour, soy concentrates and isolated soy proteins; soy oil products such as refined soy oil, hydrogenated soybean oil and soybean lecithin; and, other edible by-products such as soybean hulls and soy fiber. Also, "second generation" soyfoods, a term to describe consumer oriented products that use a soyfood as a primary ingredient, such as tofu or soymilk-based nondairy frozen desserts or tofu-stuffed ravioli.(unspecified)
SoymilkA protein-rich, milk-like liquid typically obtained from the soaking and grinding of whole soybeans with water; or, hydrating whole, full-fat soy flour; cooking the resultant slurry, and filtering all or part of the soy pulp or fiber from the cooked liquid. Modern systems for soymilk production may vary in technique. Soymilk prepared in this manner can be used to make tofu, spray-dried or sweetened and flavored as a beverage. The Soyfoods Association of North America defines soymilk as: A liquid food obtained as a result of combining: (1) aqueous-extracted whole soybean solids and water; or, (2) other edible-quality soy protein solids, soybean oil, and water; to provide no less than 3.0% soy protein, no less than 1.0% soybean fat and no less than 7.0% total solids.(unspecified)
SoynutsRoasted whole soybeans. Oil roasted and dry roasted. Available plain, whole or crumbled; and flavored with a confectionery or seasoning coating.(unspecified)
SpinningA process for texturizing soy protein isolate by forcing a concentrated solution of protein through a small opening into a coagulating bath.(unspecified)
StachyoseA soluble tetrasaccharide found in soybeans that is responsible for flatulence.(unspecified)
SteepwaterWater containing soluble materials extracted by steep-extraction, i.e., by soaking in water or other liquid (as in the wet milling of corn).AAFCO, 2000
SterolsSolid cyclic alcohols which are the major constituents of the unsaponfiable portion of animal and vegetable fats and oils.AAFCO, 2000
Sunflower hullsConsists of the outer covering of sunflower seed.AAFCO, 2000
Sunflower meal, dehulled, mechanical extractedObtained by grinding the residue remaining after the extraction process.AAFCO, 2000
Sunflower meal, dehulled, solvent extractedObtained by grinding the residue remaining after the extraction of most of the oil from dehulled sunflower seed by a solvent extraction process.AAFCO, 2000
Sunflower meal, mechanical extractedObtained by grinding the residue remaining after extraction of the oil from the whole sunflower seed by a mechanical extraction process.AAFCO, 2000
Sunflower meal, solvent extractedObtained by grinding the residue remaining after extraction of most of the oil from the whole sunflower seed by a solvent extraction process.AAFCO, 2000
Sunflower seed, oil varietiesSunflower seed which typically contains not less than 40% oil and not more than 10% moisture.(unspecified)
Technical grade refined soy oilIncludes a wide variety of soy oils that are specially refined and further processed to meet requirements and/or specifications for a definite industrial use.(unspecified)
TempehA soyfood product developed in Indonesia in which soybeans are soaked overnight and then cooked for a short time; the cooked soybeans are inoculated with the fungus Rhizopus oryzae and allowed to stand for 24 hours at 88°F (31°C) to permit optimum growth of the mycelium of the organism. The finished product resembles a pressed soybean cake. Tempeh can be eaten as is or cooked by frying or roasting.(unspecified)
Textured soy concentrateSoy protein concentrate that has texture imparted by spinning a fiber and combining the fiber in layers to achieve the desired texture, or, by a thermoplastic extrusion process.(unspecified)
Textured soy flourSoy flour that has texture imparted by spinning a fiber and combining the fiber in layers to achieve the desired texture, or, by a thermoplastic extrusion process. Please note that TVP (textured vegetable protein), is a trademark of Archer Daniels Midland Company).(unspecified)
Textured soy proteinSoy protein that has texture imparted by spinning a fiber and combining the fiber in layers to achieve the desired texture; or, by a thermoplastic extrusion process.(unspecified)
ToastingThe term commonly applied to the processes (moist) of cooking oilseed meal, flour or grits by atmospheric or pressure methods for the purpose of increasing the protein efficiency of these products, or improving their functional properties and/or improving physical texture.(unspecified)
Tofu (soybean curd)Formed, or formed and pressed curds, resulting from the coagulation of protein from soymilk by the use of calcium sulfate, magnesium chloride (nigari), calcium chloride or other suitable coagulating agent and then placed into forming boxes (or final package as in "silken tofu"). Weight may or may not be applied to the tofu while being pressed to help in the removal of whey. After solidification and cooling, the tofu is cut into pieces for packaging. Typically, tofu can have a protein content ranging from 5 to 15 percent. Tofu can be eaten as is, or further processed by cooking as in frying or baking; or by fermentation. Tofu can also be spray-dried to act as an ingredient in other food products, serving as a dairy or meat substitute.(unspecified)
TransgenicA plant or animal modified by genetic engineering to contain DNA from an external source is called transgenic. Also see "Genetic engineering" and "Biotechnology."(unspecified)
TriglycerideA technical term for a single, pure fully neutral fat. A chemical unit composed of the reaction product of one unit of glycerine with three units of fatty acid. A typical fat or oil will be a physical mixture of many different triglycerides.(unspecified)
Trypsin inhibitorsProteins in soybeans believed to be responsible for growth inhibition when raw soybeans are fed to animals. (see Bowman-Birk and Kunitz Trypsin Inhibitors).(unspecified)
Unsaponifiable matterEther soluble material extractable after complete reaction with strong alkali.AAFCO, 2000
UnsaturationA term descriptive of the carbon-hydrogen makeup of a material such as fat or oil. The term refers specifically to a shortage of hydrogen atoms in the oils structure. The less hydrogen, the greater the degree of unsaturation and the greater the reactivity with oxygen. Unsaturation in a fat or oil means easier formation of peroxides, easier development of rancidity and more tendency to polymerize. Highly unsaturated fats are usually oils and solid fats having lower unsaturation.(unspecified)
Vanaspati (vegetable ghee)A 100% vegetable fat blend of palm oil and palm stearin formulated to act as a butter fat replacement for cooking. More granular in texture than regular butter or margarine.(unspecified)
Wet-milledSteeped in water with or without sulfur dioxide to soften the kernel in order to facilitate the separation of the various component parts.AAFCO, 2000
Whole-pressed cottonseed, mechanical extractedComposed of sound, mature, clean, delinted and unhulled cottonseed, from which most of the oil has been removed by mechanical pressure. It must be designated as ground and sold by its crude protein content.AAFCO, 2000
Winterized oilOil which has been treated in a manner to partially remove the saturated glycerides which have relative high melting points and are soluble only to a limited extent in the unsaturated glycerides. The process consists of chilling the oil slowly and then maintaining it at 5?C (41?F) for a specified period of time and removing the crystallized glycerides from the liquid fraction of the oil by the use of filter presses. Soy oil does not require winterizing unless it has been partially hydrogenated to increase stability.(unspecified)
Yuba (Japanese)Product achieved by simmering soymilk at a near boil until a film forms, then lifting the film free and drying it.(unspecified)
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