Sopa Circulars

Sr. No.Circular NoDateYearSubject
1SOPA/2.11/HKG/2016/0122nd April2016Updation of Members Databank
2SOPA/2.11/DNP/2016/0218th May2016Minutes of the 10thMeeting of the 29th Executive Committee
3SOPA/2.11/DNP/2016/0427th June2016Latest Sowing Data of Kharif Oilseed Crops as on 23.06.2016
4SOPA/2.11/DNP/2016/0322nd June2016Verification of List of Members/Change of Nomination
5SOPA/2.11/DNP/2016/054th July2016Latest Sowing Data of Kharif Oilseed Crops as on 30.06.2016
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